Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?






friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend.


Music Playlist at


February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 November 2008 September 2009 October 2009 January 2010


Picture 1
Picture 2
Splatter Brushes
Lyrics of the song "Notice Me" by Zetta Bytes

Saturday, March 31, 2007
9:22 AM

yeah.. finally link to u guys blog ....yeah(:
later got tuition
amath tuition at 10am
wondering wat the teacher look like
hav to just wait untill he come loh
hope to understand the topic i donno
as soon as possible...
then i will not get scolding from mr poon agian
and overall result will improved
and no underline for amath in report book
just pass will do
this is what i wish just wish for amath onli.....
ps: is it a little to much

Will you ever notice me...

Friday, March 30, 2007
10:54 PM

Today nothing sepecial
Early in the morning miss shawa talk abt our result
Say wat must set target
so that u well do well in mid year exam
Then after she continued to talk on
how to improved other subject
And blah blah
Then cca
We practically did nothing
We all slack like siao
Just sit there and rot
But we (wanting and jing ling) got do hw then after that
we went down to canteen to buy food
then the aunty say I got high forehead
and would be a mp in future
we all laugh and I tell the aunty it is impossible
then we left
and went up
on the way we keep on talking nonsense and laugh like crazy
first abt our shen xiao
then to age then to birthday
then went we reach the com it room 1
we change the subject
and they change the subject that is totally reelected to me
the detail I would say just to prevent other people the wu hui
but we laugh and talk until we finish our cca
and until we walk to the bus stop
but even though we reach the bus stop
they also kept on talking abt the topic but not totally me
we talk until wanteng alight the bus
then today confirm that tmr got a amath teacher coming to my house
recommended by my tuition teacher andy wan
donno whether good or not
wait until tmr then will know … 0:

Will you ever notice me...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
10:03 PM

Today very tired
Early in the morning got taf
Although teacher allow us to play
But we have to do 5 push up on the stop
If our opponent score
Cause my group is those onli walk here walk there wan
So keep on doing push up
After that mr poon wan to talk too me
abt the a math common test
again he ask me why my last few question very de luan
I say no time to do
Then he say that not an excuse and continued to say me
This spoiled my day liao…..:(
Then after that is PE
Mr ng make us run like crazy
We all very the tired but he say continue
Then went we were going to run
He scolds us for complaining so much
Then after the run
He talk abt how to train for the nafa 2.4 km
Then suddenly he stop and say
It wasting time talking to u all abt this
Next time just like u all just run
Then he release us late
When we went up we kana scold by all Chinese teacher
For coming up late
We say our pe teacher release us late
That why we come up late
We ask permission to go toilet to change
She say onli 2min
Siao loh two min is not enough to walk to the toilet
and change and then come back to classroom
she think we can fly wan
but jing ling and I when to the teacher toilet and change
and we reach the classroom late but luckily haven dian min
we just in time went we go back to classroom
then she start to tell us off went most of them come back
she say that we wasting most of time for
the first period of her lesson
she say we should come back in class in time after pe
and then continue to blah blah …
then miss shawa never come
then miss tan come and take over
she go through chem then we all is like
we all thinking of resting but all look like bao teng le

we today very happy
cause the internet is fast
cause my father go upgrade to singtell
the lastest mio plan
yeah… so happy cause now internet very fast

then yesterday mrs phee call me to ans her question
and the question is to tell her one event that embarrasses me
I said no then she say I got thick skin
Then she continued to ask me to imagine that I an talking to lester
But I say I never talk to him while shaking my head
And then we all laugh…haha:)
Then jingling say that she is going to blog this event
when I tell her that I going to blog this too
then I was like omg why must I tell her
and really she go and blog it ….argh… :(
so wan to know the detail then go to her blog and read
after this event I felt like
it is very the dao mei loh
ever since I come back from china
it like she onli remember my name onli
never mind forget it
today very de sianz
do math like crazy
amath then emath
after that still got history hw
donno how to do the history sianz.....
haiz … another day is gone ….
that means last one day to buckle up my academics

Will you ever notice me...

Saturday, March 24, 2007
11:00 PM

Today go see doctor
Cause coughing
since I come back from china
the doctor say I pei the cold wether in china leng dao
then she give me the medicine
very the bitter :(
but no choice
cause it all for my own good

Then go cut hair
Cut until very short
until my parents shock dao
they ask me why cut so short
as I always cut onli a little bit
but I said good wat
more cooling and my weight will be a little lighter
haha :)
see weather when i go to sch got any people find it
as jia qi today i think never fai xian that my hair cut liao
haha :)

then after tuition
I go meet with my family for dinner
Ahyoo… service there very de lan
But never mind I can understand
Cause they just open todayther food there is also very the not nice
Some to saltiest
Some no taste de
Very the dan
Then got one thing very funny
is like that the
cause every $5
u will get a free red bean soup blend with ice
then we say we want it after dinner
then when we finish our dinner
we ask for the desert
the waiter say ok coming soon
then we wait and wait
we then ask again
the waiter say again
ok now go make
then after that got one waiter come to serve the desert
but the waiter never give us
but to the table that haven even order and some is just come in the
then they got it first
net they give it to the table beside us
then my father cannot take it he call the waiter again
now then they serve
but after they sever us
they serve us again when we all hav
then the waiter said that this is for us
she then bring it back and go check again
she left and we all start laughing
my father say went ask them to serve they take so long then sever
when we all have they sever again so fast

now watching tv and blog
doing two thing at the same time
the tv show very the funny
laugh until stomach pain

now very the tired liao
got to go liao
so write until here
yeah… :)

Will you ever notice me...

Friday, March 23, 2007
11:07 PM

Today hav video conference with my china buddy
Very happy cause we all hav a chance to talk to them
And I hope that there is another session like this again

Today in class during ss period ,
our teacher teach us how to ans one of the test question
the example she used all not to reality wan
when she give example every one laugh at it because it is totally funny

today during geog, we continue to complete our project
is to build a block mountain
we do until very the tired and our hands become very dirty
our table is also stain with clay
we spent a lot of time removing it
we spent so much time on this that
we eat into our Chinese teacher lesson for about 10-15 mins
haha… then after that we still take our sweet time to go wash our hands

Yesterday hav a-math common test
Very difficult paper
Most of the question I all donno how to do wan
All do half way de
Then the time also not enough
Haiz…confirm sure fail liao loh

Tmr will be another busy day
cause today our teacher give us lots of hw
like got phy, Chinese, chem, and more
which I cannot remember wan… haha : )

wat will it be like tmr?
Will it be a sunny day or a rainy day?
Is it all depending on fate or yourself?
but i still hope it will be a sunny day :)

Will you ever notice me...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
6:29 PM

yeah ... today add lots of song haha :)
finally learn more thing on blog liao
next must learn how to change the blog skin
ahh.. learn from xing ying.. hehe :)
today i cry liao :(
all because of mr poon la
i wait so long just for the factor thereom or remainder thereom
but end up with onli teach the quadratic equation
i was so hungry and tired la
so angry ...argh...
but today mostly normal
but got 2 teacher never come so got total 4 free period
haha... :) but most of the time listen to music
tmr got a math test so have to learn hard

Will you ever notice me...

Monday, March 19, 2007
10:08 PM

today is first day of term 2
I am still in holiday mood
Need time to ajust back
Yeah… I finally pass my amath test… yeah :)
Although it is just pass (13.5/25) ,
but this show I got improve
Today in class jing ling, Rachel and serene say
after I come back from china
I become a little crazy
Haha… really mah … I realy got mah
Just onli alittle re ging onli ca not meh??
But never mind … I also think that I also a little crazy today
When to my lao gong blog (yan ya lun )
He finally blog something laio
He almost 1 month never blog liao
Although he blog today
But it seem that some thing is troubling him :(
I also went to read the comment and realized
that someone say nasty word to him
that why he write the blog today that his will zheng zhou
sad :( I can’t do any thing for him
onli can help him by supporting him
so here I would like to say
ya lun jia yuo, I will always support u :)
Today is Joanne birthday
and it is also angie birthday
actually I forgot that today it their birthday
until jingling remind me
but lucky I got prepared present
today history lesson
miss yeo say that the bintan trip will be from 2 to 4 June
but to bad I can not go cause 4 June
I got operation to remove my wisdom tooth
Sad … it will be a wonderful trip :(
Now I am stuck in my history hw
Very difficult , but luckily miss yeo allow us to pass up the next lesson
Haiz… another day have pass …
Wat would it be tomorrow?
Let it leave to fate …

Will you ever notice me...

Saturday, March 17, 2007
12:40 PM

longtime no blog liao .... first go cmp then go china for exchange program .... both trip occurs so near that i am so tired that i fall sick during the last two day in china ... so poor thing :(
just come back for china on firday, very tiring but fun. went to alot of place like panda breeding center, "cong yen si" , "du jiang yan", "le shan da fou"and more [the details i will put it up agian.... so stay tune to my blogy.... haha :) ]
the camp was almost totaly boring and sucks... we spend most of the time waiting for them to finish their head count as they want to make sure that the no. of people is correct before and after an activity is done... and because of this i kana sun burn and my skin, esp my forehead, start to peel on the scond day of my china trip... i was so damm ugly and angry, and because of this i onli dare to go out went i wearing my hat.... but luckly by the 4th day, all the dead skin have peel of ... yeah :) next was the activities that they provide was totally a waste of time and totally not exciting . those activites we play are those we play during the sec 1 camp but some are different .then the night walk , make us walk 6.5 km (mostly in the dark) just to do 4 staion which we think is TOO common. the first station was to craw nuder the net from one place to another space then seconf stationwas to do chin-updo 40 get 5 pt do 6o get 10 pt then third station was to if there is two person injurd how our we going to carry them over to the next station( one hand injury and one back injury).then lastly is to make a thing to carry the injury person to the next station .after that hav to climd up the hill will the rope then finish. it was so lame and boring as we expect to be vrrey exciting the leader there all hav atitude problem, scold us for no reason, they also like to threaten us , like no dinner or do push up ect. then one of the leader like to show of her breast, she alway sling a pouch untill that her breast pop up and some more is she always walk like her breast was so big that is going to drop.... and i also heard that she like to show of her boy firend ... she is so white that we call her ghost... haha ...buring the camp i onli sleep in the tent cause the day i left is the turn for girl to sleep in bunks.... although it is uncomfortable but it is a good experience.... last but not least the food ... the food was horibble, they give so little that we all suppect that the food provide is a very selfish person eg. got one time there was onli 4 tofu (small one) and two piece of chicken (small and lot of bones). them they give alot of rice and little of gravy.. them everyone is allow 1 packet of drink and no second helping where there is still some more left ... these camp was the worst camp ever in my life .... as i and some friends have to go first wait for the bus to come and fetch us back we complain abt the camp ... and we relized that this is the firat batch using this area.. we all very angry and the teacher-in- charge decided to help us to feedback to tacher that is overall in- charge of the camp ... we wait for the bus for abt 1hr because the bus went to damai instead of the camp site ... how careless can he be .... my god..... and because of his carelessness we went home late and i miss half of hana kimi .....i wonder how the camp fire cause i was back home went the camp fire start .. i think it should be very fun as i heard that we are given water bombs and was given half and hour to attack the boy and girls are given colouring to mix with water and to throw at the boy .... haiz too bad i miss the activity :( sad. .....snift... snift.... snift :(

Will you ever notice me...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
9:26 PM

Today very happy:) don know how to describe my happiness… first ,my test paper, I got back my sci paper (chem. and physics). Chem. I got 16.5/25 and physics I got 19/25…. Yeah both paper got improved as my previous time both of my paper onli just pass, but now … haha I improved …haha but must remember not to be proud must continued to work even more harder to maintain or improved..(Hope to get an A1 for both paper the next time :p) then got amath test … ermm …paper okok .. can do but donno weather got mistake or not…but hope not ot fail amath again otherwise I will have “amath remedial” in china trip.. haha :I Bring back all my book that is under my desk home yesterday and today, very angry cause the book I bring back all need to hand in today…argh :(
Today early in the morning got fire drill…. But I don think is a fire drill cause we all walk very slowly out of the building like we are in the park strolling after dinner and enjoy the breeze and relax… haha. Then one of my classmate say if there is a real one all of us will die if we all walk at the speed we are walking then all of us starting laughing and laughing…today again got the china exchange program meeting and is abt on how to fill up the from etc.. Very excited cause 2 more day which is Friday, I am going to china … yeah :)
Tmr got sec 3 camp and I have not pack finish my bag… sianz….camp ….I actually don really like camping, for no reason , I just don like :( today miss shawa tell ask the group that we will be in the camp and I am in winner 3…yeah same with serene but today she never come to sch la and I heard that she never come cause she had overslept … I miss her so much :(, but sad I going to ps her on Thursday afternoon cause I need to go back as I am going to china on the next day… so should I be happy or sad… then mr poon want me to in charge of the sec 3 student who are going to china to be back in sch and he want me to find out wat time the bus come and tell every of them(who are in different house and group) wat time to assemble …argh… why must I be selected to do the job…argh
Saw the class photo … I look quite ugly in the pic ….arh…I wish I can take the pic again …. Decided to buy the photo which Iis the formal and the fun 2 cause this are the one that I look okok…
Today I upload background music to my blog …. I like the music so much …and this made ny blog look much better…haha... so if anyone like the music tag it on my tag board and I will be happy
The next time I blog will be after the trip to china tour which will be the week sch reopen … I will be blogging on the tour…haha :)

Will you ever notice me...

Sunday, March 4, 2007
7:01 PM

huray... my blog skin finally change liao:) all thks to serene, who help me to find such a beautiful blog skin, yeah !!!! hmm... i think must do some thing for her since she help me to change the blog skin... so wat can i do for serene??? can anyone help me to think, if have then tag it at my tag board, ok?
today was just normal like any sunday, tution ,tution and tution....and i finally understand the topics that i do not know in amath yeah... that means that there is a high chances that i will pass my amath common test yeah :) so mr poon, my amath teacher will change the room for me so i can be someone that i want to be during the china exchange thingy (take note: it will not be a guyso don think y as it will be a girl but also don think that i am a less.. haha )and there will not be extra amath worksheet for me to do during the trip... yeah....
yesterday was a tiring day .... a group of us volunteer(i think something like that cause i don know how to spell) for the flag day that it is not our turn to earn cip hour as we have a change on 7 april, but the teacher in charge never submit our name to the organaiser, and because of this we have to wait for abt 45 min to get the bag where the donation are keep. but there was onli 6 bag so we split it to 2 people per bag as there was 11 of us. i was with jing ling and we all go to alot of places to collect donations , we went to tampines, where we live, to ask for donations. we met alot of jl relatives and collected quite a sum of money. after this we also went to both of our house to take a rest and ask our family for donation. after thta we set of to other destination like bedok, simei and more, most of the people who donate money do not want to have the sticker so we end up with lots of sticker left. we also compete who collect the most and serene and rachel won as they collected alot of donations untill their bay are very heavy...haha ... we ask them where they collect so many donation... they say they onli stay at pasir ris mrt and already can gat so many donation liao... i don belived at all but starts to belived when i saw there is alot of people coming in and out of the mrt station :I
study for geog test , can onli remember half onli.... donno how to take rest like this...sianz

Will you ever notice me...

Friday, March 2, 2007
10:52 PM

today ok, nothing sepcial happening today except one thing... thinking of this make me laugh and laugh and laugh untill can roll on the floor.... haha.... : )
it start when the "JINGLE BELL " (haha a nick name of jl)come to sch and tell me that L is going to buy mushmellaw for S and is giving it to s during recess ... she then telll me she very the gulity as she say she did tell the truth to l during the converstion with him yesterdy.... she keep asking me waht to do ..... then during chem lesson she don dare to look at L cause she felt very guilty... she keep on asking me weather is lang k is talking abt her or looking at her.... i say no but she don believe saying see heard noise and can feel that they are looking at her... i ans her question i untill i very the thirsty, she also make me very nervous untill i want to go toilet....i was wondering why her six sense so sensetive de :I ...rachel and joanne also can not pay attension during chem lesson ... they all also look very nervous like JINGLE BELL onli after recesse then fang xin, but L ask them why we all behaving so weird during the chem Lesson but Rachel say nothing very loudly. But it start again when S go for competition , L quickly go out of the class room and give her the marshmallow , we wanting know wat happen also rush out to see wat happen …haha the backdoor was blocked with many people and I can onli see the part that L give the marshmallow to S…. when we rush out every one in the class was wondering wat going and ask us but we never say a single word but just laugh…haha : ) amg that all for that topic..
today I go see my baby I and jl make yesterday, but don xiang wai not the real baby , it the crystal we do yesterday in chem. Lesson … the crystal damn nice .... :)yeah
just now chat with wanteng and jl very funny ... i keep on talking but they all no respond the , they say i got zi bi zhen.... jl keep asking me weather nid a doctor ... buti say no need
watch bai fen bai yu le , today guest is hua yang shao nain shao nu the actor come... very funny untill the food in my mouth almost come out ..haha damn funny they all keep sabo each other.... :)
tmr got cip work and i think got free show to watch liao haha :)
so good nite to my self and have a nice dream
ps: hope tmr don rain when doing cip work

Will you ever notice me...