Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?






friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend.


Music Playlist at


February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 November 2008 September 2009 October 2009 January 2010


Picture 1
Picture 2
Splatter Brushes
Lyrics of the song "Notice Me" by Zetta Bytes

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
5:35 PM

Today was a ok ok day
Not much interesting today

But during chi period
A lot of ppl pon teng chen ying class
All the boys went to the library instead to class
Then our class was so empty
Then chen ying ask where the rest of the boy
We say they are still running
But everyone start to em chio
Cause we now that the boys all ponteng her class
Then Rachel and junice ask chen ying permission to look for the boy
They then pretend to go and check the boy toilet
Then secretly went to the library
They went there abt 20 min then come back together with the boys
Chen ying ask them why so late
then some of them pretend to be ill or injured
chen ying then a lot the ill or injured the come in
then she continue to ask the rest why so late
Rachel the say they help them so come late liao
Then chenying say not need so many ppl
Rachel then say cannot jian si bu jiu
After that serene and jia qi come back
Chane ying ask again
They reply thet jia qi stomach
And serene accompany her
Then after that jia qi really go toilet to do her thing
The whole process was like so funny
We keep on saying that chen ying is so chi dun
Don’t even know that they are lying
Haha… how stupid she is

Talk abt yesterday
Haiz…. I was so dao mei loh
In sch I am been keep calling by the teacher
First by mr poon
He want me to explain the change of base log
I want up and write the formula
He then says must explain
So I explain it while I shivering
My legs was wobbling like crazy
My voice is like wan to cry de
After explain I go ask jingling how was my voice
She say ok nothing wrong
Then I tell her that I was shivering when talking
She then just haha

After that is that alarm clock call me out to balance the equation
I was like omg not again
Then jingling say me very the sauy
Since I come back from china
I say ya lor (while laughing) may be got maor teacher know me liao

Next is when go tuition
It start to rain when I walk away from the shelter
Then I run loh
as fast I as I could go
when finally reach the shelter there come the lighting and thunder
i was been frighten by the loud sound
u might think it is normal
but the thing is that the lighting is so strong
that a 4 to 5 meter tall tree collapse and got smoke coming out from there
i was like omg and so shock that my going to heart miss a beat
cause the place I standing was not far from the tree
it like abt 50 m away from me and it like I am the nearest person to it
this cause my headache become even worse
then the whole lesson I feel so horrible
then went home and told my parent abt it
my mother say that I am very the heng
she say that must bring me to temple to pray
cause almost strike by lightning
now I don like to walk alone when there is lighting
after that incident

now when I think abt it or see ligthning I feel very frightened :{

Will you ever notice me...

Sunday, April 15, 2007
1:33 PM

It hve been abt 1 week since I update my blog Haha (=
The last whole week was totally full of activity

2 oral and 4 test
the test was ok
but I think the chem and the Chinese
will get low marks de

then the two oral was so funny
first the eng oral was so dam funny
mr phua action was so fuuny and cute
he will talk to himself
before he give the marks for the student
it as so funnt that I wan to laugh
but I cannot cause other classes
also have the oral
so I hav to ren can onli em cho

during the oral hor
the other teacher that test the class of 3e2
come and disturb my picture describing
then all my ideas was like suddenly all gone
I was so angry loh Damn idiot teacher lah
I everything I wan to say all forgot la

Then the Chinese oral was ok
I waited so long until Wan to fa mei liao
Cause I am the last few wan

But junice kept on making funny joke
Doing fuuny action
And she keep on entertaining us for the rest of the time
Then the teacher onli ask me to read from para 2 Onward
then ask me one question then jiu hao liao
after that then I ask me other question not related to the topic

teacher: where u come from
me: Singapore
teacher: ur parent
teacher: which pri sch u come from
me : mbs
teacher: then got tuition before
me :ya from necessary to p5
teacher: china teacher
me: ya
teacher: emm.. u r ok but wat r u doing when u r waiting
me: talking to my friend
teacher: u look at ur self wat u look like
me: ya (but looking around and wondering wat wrong with my uniform
teacher: even ur foundation is good but u should not talk to ur firend
u will disturb the rest and affected their result
me: oh…
then I left the hall and go to met jingling

I was like wat this oral is like not oral loh
But more like I am the suspect been caught by the police
And asking me background

I wan to talk end up talk so little
Abt 6 min jiu finish liao
While others is like 10 to 15 min

Then in class
Very the funny
My side of the people keep on laughing no stop
From Monday to firday
From starting of the sch till the end of sch
Laugh and laugh

Eps on firday
Chen ying bring laptop to class to show us sth
Then the msn window pop up
Then her msn user is “”
But junice say it in a funny way
Lili mo na
The whole class laugh
Rachel and jian qi went up and see
They laugh until very loudly
Then chen ying explain why it is like this
Lili is her pet name and
mona is a name that is given by her teacher
that why is lilimona
then we kept on laugh like xiao
and we kept on asking ppl to spam and send virus to her
so that her com will be effected
haha… that all

Will you ever notice me...

Saturday, April 7, 2007
10:07 PM

Today very the lucky
First collection of donation
I collect until the can very the heavy
Carry it until my hand very the tired
Then after when I return the can
They give us two can of green tea
And a box of pineapple tart
Wow… now then I know that Malay organized
Are very the generous
And if want to get lots of donation for flag they
Go bugis near the temple
Cause there got a lot of people
Esp the elderly and the parent with kid
Cause they normally will donate
If u ask them
This is wat I learn
For this flag day
Haha (=

Then today play monopoly
First round I win
Cause I make two other player bankrupt
By collecting rent from them
And also donno why
When ever the place I buy
And got built hotel
The place will always got people come and visit
And then it is always very expensive the
And it always between
9500 monopoly money to 12500 monopoly money
then I keep on collecting rent like xiao
until got no time to play when it is my turn
And some more I buy a lot of the places

then second round also the same
collect the rent like xiao
but I buy very little place cause
always kana the chance and the community card thingy
or the free parking
but my brother kept on buying
until he almost got no money
haha.. he say he want to be like me in the first round
I say play monopoly must have tactics

then after the game I ask them
if they wan to play with me again
they say yes and say they will win we the next time
haha ..(= so fun

Will you ever notice me...

Friday, April 6, 2007
8:48 AM

haha today public holiday
not need to go to sch
but at home very boring

actually can go out shopping
but it was canncel last min
cause the elder care closed
during public holiday and sunday
sian.. now stuck at home

today i think i will do chem hw
cause the ah lam give so many homework
and she is the onli teacher gave hw
idoit teacher i hate her so much

today boring untill fa mei
nothing to do
so almost sleep the whole day
haha.. i like pig today
but i got do some hw that is given from ah lam
but alot i donno how to do

tmr got flag day
have to sleep early
cause tmr going to wake up early
cause go out and eat breakfst with my family
then togethere walk to do library
then my both my parent
say they will be my first donator
haha..hope so
then jingling sms me and ask me to sms her
when i am on the way to the library
donno know wat she want me to do

tmr going to lend her my tank cd
going to miss the cd liao
sad... )=
cause i addited to the song liao
how am i going to survive the week end ?
argh.... how???

Will you ever notice me...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007
3:45 PM

today i very the sian
first teacher give alot of homework
then tmr got history test
but now i don feel like doing anything
but to listen a song call 最後的微笑
dont know why suddenly like to listen to this song
maybe because of my mood

and i think in the future
if the thing been said out
(don ask me wat the thing)
i will be hearing this song
and sing this song all day long
with the lyrics change a little
but i hope this wont be happening

dont know why i feel very hopeless
these past few days
and i feel like crying too
but donno why
my tears just don flow out
and i also been trying to keep
everything to myself
and it like i cant take it at all liao
but lucky i told it to jingling
and now i felt a little relief

oh... jingling can u do me a favour
dont tell any one abt the thing i say to u
yesterday and today can?
if u cannot hold it any more just tell me
and i won bother u agian

recently make a personal blog
finallay i can say whateva i want
if not the sitution now would be worst by now
haha...... :) yeah

this blog is like a person
who i say out all
my true feeling and thought

and it won say it out
and will kept my secret

today me and jingling went to seng song
and she buy three stick of mentos
but during the whole time
we were talking abt the thing
haha... don tell u
cause that our secrets

firday is a public holiday
yeah no need to go to sch
but i decided to do our project
on the old flok home thing project
yeah can earn cip hour

hen saturday got flag day at tampines
yeah near my house
that mean i can sleep a little longer
haha and these i also can earn cip hour again
and i think i look i a "cip face"

now have to go and study history test liao:(

Will you ever notice me...

Monday, April 2, 2007
10:08 PM

today donno why
whole day very high
keep on laughing with jingling
abt the topic we talk since friday

i laugh alot that serene tell me
that today i like very de zi high
haha... i reply her ya because
i hav already gone crazy since friday

when we laugh abt the topic
mr poon come and ask me
wat is going on
wat the joke abt
i say nothing and start to shake my head
trying to control my laughter
then jingling say to me
"how can tell him abt it when rachel don even know wat it"
then do mr poon said "l why whenever a teacher come
students will stop laughing and become very quiet
and when the teacher ask them wat is the commotion
they alway say nothing"
we all laugh
then he continued and said" being a teacher is very boring one
next time pls share ur joke with me"
i was then nodding and laughing at the same time
then rachel also start laughing
mr poon ask rachel wad happening? wad so funny?
rachel say nth and laugh
then mr poon say see always like that one
then the whole class laugh

when ever there is a laughter
it always start from lester that side
then later rachel that side
after that serene that side
then after our side
but today not counted
as we hav being laughing the whole day
onli jia qi that side never laugh de

then when one side stop
the other side will start laughing
and is like a cycle
go round and round
never stop at all
unless no one laugh at all

then one time
jingling: rachel wat u laughing at?
rachel: they all lah. gang cai shi zhe bian(lester's side)
xian zai shi zhe bian(serene's side)
lester: ni mei chi dou shi zhong jian lah
then every laugh

tmr got nsw (comp skills)
so wish me good luck
i actually dont care de
cause i won get a distiction de
and it is no use de lor

ah.. tmr must ask jing ling what does this mean
sry hor.i dun understand.hehe.
u is mo ren loh.tat time u am cho.

Will you ever notice me...

Sunday, April 1, 2007
9:19 PM

today april fools day
and i try to fool alot of people
but none of them succeed
and today is my aunt birthday
and i wish her a happy dirthday
may all your wishes come true :)

Abt the amath teacher that come yesterday
I onli got one word to descript
And that is “fantastic”
The teacher damn good sia
The factor and remainder theorem
From donno until know
Know until when I do the question can laugh

Reply hannah tag
The amath teacher was good
Good ,good and good
That what I feel la
Haha (=

Xing ying how to make the right side column
Where my tag board link etc. big ha?
Cause I go see the template and look for the thing
but I cant find it at all
can help me???

Today nothing to do except go tuition
Sian tuition… but no choice have too
Who ask me never do well in academic

Never sleep well since Friday
Always got bad dreams
All because of jingling and wanteng la
Say wat “yi ban bu nen chang er yang”
Then blah blah…. which I don want to elaborate
Cause that will make me very de qi
Hope that today will not have any bad dreams

Will you ever notice me...