Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?






friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend.


Music Playlist at


February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 November 2008 September 2009 October 2009 January 2010


Picture 1
Picture 2
Splatter Brushes
Lyrics of the song "Notice Me" by Zetta Bytes

Thursday, January 7, 2010
10:46 PM

Today was the frst day of the TP Open house.
everything goes very smoothly.
but there arent much people interested in my course
everyone just walk pass without stoping
and go straight to courses like biomed or vet
although tiring, it was a great experience
i hope i can do better for the next two day

beside the open house
we have some of our classmates doing the presentation
every of them wear formal office wear
and rachel look pretty
and me and amanda was like
wow what a pair of sexy legs she have
they did a great job and have set a very high standard
i guess i will be having troubles
meeting the standard they have set

Will you ever notice me...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
12:26 AM

What a day!!!
Rachel, pavi, Amanda and i went to ECP
and we had lot of fun =)
We went to play bowling
and i won the game =)
we took lots of photos and video
and they are lot funny ... haha =)

after that we went to the arcade
that is one story above the bowling center
Amanda and Rachel wanted me and pavi to play the dancing game
however it was occupied... :)
so we decided to play the car racing game and the shooting game
it was fun but tiring
especially the shooting game
me and Rachel were shooting the dinosaurs
our hands were so tired after a while
but we still continue even after we are "dead" in the game

after that we went cycling
we rent the bike for 3 hours
and paid a total of $6 for each person
it was consider cheap (base on what miss Amanda say :D)
this is the first time Rachel cycle so
Amanda and pavi tried to teach her
and you know what!
Rachel learn how to ride within a few minutes
we were amaze by her learning speed
we cycle form one end to the another end
till my body is aching now

at one of our stops
we took photo with Rachel new hand phone
Rachel was experimenting her new phone
and we took lot of funny photo
then our cute little pavi
ask a lot of question on some disgusting topic

after returning the bike we rent
we decided to take a break at the top of the breakwater
it was so difficult to climb to the top
i got a scratch while trying to make my way to the top of the breakwater
we sat there for a while, take some photos
however it seem that we were not able to get everyone in the photo
it took quite some time to get all four of us in the photos

although the trip was tiring
it was fun
we do many thing together
i hope we have one more outing like that before school reopen

Finally I see him online but his status is as usual always busy!
But his nick have change to La tritesse durera toujours
I was curious on what that means and decided to goggle search
However when I found out what it meant
I became emo for a while and think a lot
Wondering why he put that as a nick
Wondering is that how he feels now
I feel like asking him if he is OK
But don’t know why I am not able to do it
Because I really don’t know what to do and how to do
I wish I could help him
I wish and wish
But in the end it all just a wish
A wish that might not be able to come true forever
La tritesse durera toujours means the sadness will last forever

Will you ever notice me...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
8:56 PM

Haha... what a day
spend whole day playing this game, called zeus
it a empire builidng game...
so addictive that i spend the whole day playing...

I didnt know my mum is so interested
in christopher lee and fann wong wedding
She even record it down
so that she can watch when return home from the library

lately i have been trying to plan for my trip to taipei
but couldnt think of any
i am not sure how to plan
now i really wish that there is someone who know taipei a lot
if anyone know anythingabout taipei
like where to shop, eat or place for sight seeing
please give me some advise =)

Will you ever notice me...

Monday, September 28, 2009
4:13 PM

I think it time to reopen my blog (after seeing amanda new blog)

Wow... another year has past...
a new beginning for me
in many ways i guess... haha :D
i shall not further explain:P

Since i am going to reopen my blog
i have change the blog skin, tag box, and added some new song
I hope my new readers like it... haha :D

Recently i like a game a lot
it is called the restuarant empire
i try using the program that dean gave me to crack the game
but it seem not to work after i restart my laptop.
sian... all my effort gone...
but i want to play agian
so i ask nicholas to help
We were trying to figure how to crack the program.
after downloading a few program we manage to crack the game
however error occur when the game was loading half way
sad... everything go back to the starting point
Nicolas say he will try to help me
but it seem to been even worse
he cant even open the game before cracking it
haha... he said that he think his cop got problem
anyway have to thanks him for helping me out
hmmmmm... now i wonder when i can continue to play the game
before school reopen =)

Will you ever notice me...

Monday, November 24, 2008
7:32 PM

wow! it been one year
ever since i update my blog.
for the past one year,
everyday life was busy,
busy perparing 'o' level
and now 'o' level has ended
i am free till i am going to rot
everyday sleep late, wake up late
play compuer games, watch drama
and sleep. and of course eat

last week attended the TP RAWKS camp
it was damm fun man
meet a few ex-damaians
it lasted for 3 days
during these three days
i meet lots of new firends
and most importantly
know more about TP
may be should consider this school
now really miss all the firends i meet,
eps the PL

also attended a class chalet
just by going to the chalet make me real mad
it take about 1 to 2 hours to reach
food there soso only

now peapering to go china with ah yi
it a 8 day trip
starting on 2 dec
i think it should be fun
really excited abt the trip
cant wait to go!!!

Will you ever notice me...

Monday, November 5, 2007
9:55 PM

holiday started for about a week
the extended programe has started
and still have 2 more days to go
to the end of the programe

have been slacking for the past whole week
did not do much of holiday homework
as most of the time
i was playing computer games

well hope that during the holiday
i can improved in my eng
and also do all my homework

that all ...

Will you ever notice me...

Friday, October 12, 2007
2:07 PM

yeah exams over liao
yime to relax for a while
before start to work hard again (for 'o' level)

overall the paper was okok
some difficult some easy
but i wont say which is easy and which is difficult
haha... it will remain a secret for life

it been a long battle
as for the first three day
there were 6 paper in total
and all those paper are major subject
which require to mermorise
donno how the sch arrange wan
aranged untill like that that i study like siao
almost want to die liao
but any way it over liao
donno whether my hardwork would pay off or not
very worry me eng result
cause if fail this paper
then i have to go NA liao )=

now worry also no use
it already fixed
if fail then i would have to accept the fate
as i know i did my very best liao
but i still hope for the best
that i would pass the paper (=

today pack my messy room
and i realised how dirty it was
for the pass two weeks
book all over the place
dust all over the palce
wrapers all over the place to
just to week and my room is in the mess
i wonder how did i manage to get over
with all this thing in my room
but now everything is back to normal

holiday is coming
that means hoilday homwork
argh.... i don want this
hope that my "beautiful and handsome" teachers
would be kind to us
don give us holiday homework

im going to play computer games liao
and i will soon update when i get back my result

Will you ever notice me...

Monday, September 10, 2007
5:35 PM

school holiday end and a new term has start
the school holiday was pack with lots of thing
cca, remedial, and tons of homework

the competetion in tp was suxs man
programme so slow
edited fast and stable went out the track
so in the end onli get merit

holiday homework so many
some still haven finish

today sch was ok but tiring
almsot sleep in his
cause the it was so nice to sleep

that all for today

Will you ever notice me...

Sunday, September 2, 2007
5:21 PM

well it been a long time i did not update my blog
school holidays started yesterday
but only one week
which is not enough at all
almost everyday i have to go back to school
remedial, competion ....
everything is going to happen during the whole of spetember holiday
exam coming
have to study hard

well just finish wathcing a movie
which is death note
it soooo exciting
just donno how to discribe the story

after this going to my ah ma house
it been a long time i last go there

so that all for to day

Will you ever notice me...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
9:15 PM

well today got lots of test
english, amaths and chemistry
haiz.. i think i did not perform well in all tests
cause is like all guess one

now studying for s.s common test
hope it won be difficult
cause i still don understand abt the topic yet

today is my father birthday
not able to go out to celebrate his birthday
cause i got tuition
so sad ....)=
cannot celebrate with him

got to go and continue study my ss
as i am blogging
while send my geo project to fatin

Will you ever notice me...